Benefits of daily consumption of vegetables
Daily consumption of vegetables guarantees a person’s health. Consumption of vegetables prevents chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer and obesity. The amount of vegetables needed by the body according to the food guidance pyramid is generally 200 grams per day, which is less for the elderly over seventy and adolescents and children.
According to new research, the color of vegetables plays a role in classifying their properties, so the consumption of vegetables with various colors is recommended for health. In fact, the colors in vegetables refer to their unique properties. Consumption of vegetables with different colors makes it possible for a person to achieve the highest possible results and strengthens the immune system and makes the person live longer.
Prevent cancer by eating vegetables
Daily consumption of vegetables is one of the most important factors in preventing cancer because vegetables contain vitamins and minerals and strengthen the immune system.
Orange vegetables such as carrots and pumpkin contain beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is a pigment that is converted to vitamin A in the body when needed. This substance protects the body against cancers.
Green leafy vegetables have a very high nutritional value. These vegetables contain carotenoids, saponins, lutein and flavonoids. These vegetables have the fiber, folate and beta-carotene needed by the body. These substances protect the body against several types of cancer. Celery, spinach, broccoli and parsley are among the green leafy vegetables.
Red vegetables such as tomatoes, watermelon and purple cabbage have different types of phytochemicals.
Phytochemicals eliminate the effect of free radicals. Lycopene is one of the phytochemicals that protects the skin from the sun and makes the prostate gland function better in the body.
Cabbage vegetables also have a high nutritional value, according to researchers. Nutrition of these vegetables is effective in preventing cancer. Indole in cabbage has a role in the anti-cancer properties of cabbage. Cabbage vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and purple cabbage.
Most vegetables are high in vitamin C. Vitamin C plays an important role in cancer prevention. Vitamin C is abundant in vegetables such as peppers, broccoli and tomatoes.
Vegetables contain significant amounts of fiber. According to nutritionists, fiber in vegetables plays an essential role in preventing colon cancer. Fiber is a part of vegetables that the human body can not digest, so fiber itself has no properties, but the presence of fiber in food consumed by the gastrointestinal tract. It makes it easier and faster to empty the intestines. Carcinogens combine with fiber and leave the body. The fiber in vegetables also helps the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Following a diet high in fiber greatly reduces the risk of developing bowel cancer. All vegetables are high in fiber. However, it should be added that excessive consumption of fibrous substances in nutrition has side effects and disorders in the absorption of minerals.
The relationship between vegetable consumption and weight loss
Vegetables are low in calories, bulky and filling, and their high consumption causes much less weight gain compared to other foods. Today, about one-third of the world’s population suffers from obesity and its problems, so regular daily consumption of vegetables and fruits is essential to prevent obesity.
Reduce your risk of diabetes by eating vegetables
On the contrary, fruits and vegetables, especially fresh vegetables, have very little sugar. Sugar is converted to glucose in different types in the body, and this phenomenon causes changes in blood sugar levels, and therefore knowing the amount of hydrocarbons and therefore sugar for It is essential for diabetics: Consumption of vegetables changes the blood sugar balance much less than other foods and provides vitamins and minerals to the body, so eating vegetables in the diet of diabetics and disease prevention play an important role. Vegetables are high in fiber, antioxidants, minerals and other compounds, and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and its complications.
Having a low glycemic index in food is useful in the diet of type 2 diabetic patients and on the other hand, their consumption is a factor for weight loss. Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, celery and spinach have a low glycemic index.
Vegetables are rich in magnesium and magnesium plays an important role in insulin activity. Magnesium levels are usually low in diabetics. Green leafy vegetables like spinach are a good source of magnesium.
Prevent heart disease by eating vegetables
Vegetables are very low in fat and cholesterol-free vegetables, so it is recommended for heart health. A high-fat diet increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Potassium is one of the most important minerals for the body and the activity of many enzymes in the body depends on its existence. Potassium deficiency in the body can lead to heart attacks. The daily potassium required by the body is obtained through the daily consumption of vegetables. Vegetables such as parsley, celery, beans, wheat bran and potatoes are good sources of potassium and therefore heart health.
One of the most important properties of green vegetables such as broccoli and spinach is their effectiveness on circulatory health.
Vegetables contain folate. Folate is useful in preventing cardiovascular disease, so people who have suffered a stroke once are prescribed regular consumption of cabbage. This property is multiplied in purple cabbage due to its lycopene.
The relationship between eating vegetables and lowering blood pressure
Fresh vegetables are very low in sodium. Sodium is found in many foods. Excess sodium absorption by the body causes high blood pressure. Fresh vegetables contain less sodium than frozen or canned vegetables. Also, vegetables such as celery and rhubarb reduce blood pressure due to their high potassium content.
Ensure your health by eating vegetables
There are more than 180 different types of vitamins and minerals in different vegetables that the body needs to provide for its health, so consuming different vegetables is very useful and necessary for a person’s health. Vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals that play an important role in the health of the body. Among these salts is iron, iron plays an important role in blood formation and energy supply of the body. Iron deficiency in the diet causes anemia and extreme tiredness. Vegetables such as spinach, potatoes and asparagus are high in iron. Bright green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and lettuce are high in calcium in addition to these properties. Calcium is essential for bone strength and tooth health and also prevents osteoporosis.
How to eat vegetables
Seasonal vegetables are the best and healthiest choice in daily home shopping. Use vegetables as much as possible with all your meals. Get your kids used to eating vegetables Children usually enjoy eating raw vegetables. For them, cut raw vegetables into beautiful shapes and give them a snack instead. Involve them in cooking, to make them more inclined to eat vegetables.
Vegetables lose their vitamins and minerals due to overcooking and frying, so do not overcook and fry the vegetables and use raw or half cooked vegetables as much as possible.
Steaming is the best way to cook vegetables or cook vegetables with low water so that their water is absorbed and their vitamins and minerals are not lost. Prolonged cooking of vegetables can destroy many vitamins. Try to cook vegetables in a short time, and if you do not have a problem with digesting raw vegetables, it is better to eat them raw.