Be sure to read if you have Coronavirus stress

Be sure to read if you have Coronavirus stress

Be sure to read if you have Coronavirus stress
Be sure to read if you have Coronavirus stress

There are some worrying rumors about coronavirus that only cause stress in people, if you have Coronavirus stress, be sure to read this article.

Coronary stress and rumors that you should not take seriously

Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) was first detected in Wuhan, China, and the almond-eyed virus has gradually crossed borders and infected some countries. This highly contagious virus, which is transmitted through contact with contaminated surfaces and through inhalation, has now entered our country and has caused concern in the public mind.

You’ve probably read about ways to prevent the virus in cyberspace, but there are also some worrying rumors about the disease in cyberspace that may make you more concerned. Fear and anxiety in the current situation weakens the immune system and suppresses the immune system and does not help you. In this article from Nethep magazine, we tell you what to do with Coronavirus stress.

How dangerous is Coronavirus stress?

With the arrival of the Coronavirus in the country and the infection of some of our compatriots, the fear of illness has made many of us suffer from stress and anxiety.

Increasing pressure on the health care system

Excessive fear and stress cause people to become overly sensitive in a way that many people misinterpret their physical symptoms and feel sick, so they go to hospitals and medical centers. Going to medical centers if you do not have symptoms of the disease will increase the pressure on the medical system.

Be sure to read if you have Coronavirus stress

Weakening of the immune system

Fear and anxiety weaken the immune system and suppress the immune system against viral diseases.


Fear and anxiety about having this disease in mental patients causes mental disorders.

Rising rumors

Excessive anxiety and stress cause people to accept rumors more and encourage rumors themselves so that they can reduce their fears and worries a little.

Be sure to read if you have Coronavirus stress

Coronavirus-related rumors that will stress you out:

Letters or packages sent from China carry the virus

Some say that letters or packages sent from China carry the virus, and even goods imported from this country endanger us. The Coronavirus cannot survive long on objects such as letters or postal packages, so these rumors are rumored.

Coronavirus infects adults.

The risk of contracting the virus depends on the strength of the immune system, not age, so people with weakened immune systems may be more likely to get the disease, so the virus has nothing to do with age.

The virus is transmitted through pets

Animal Corona is different from a human Corona, so our Corona is not transferable to them, but you must follow the hygienic principle of hand washing after contact with pets.

Corona virus transmission

Antibiotics treat the new Corona

It is not possible to treat the virus with antibiotics, and antibiotics are always a way to treat the bacteria and do not prevent or cure the viral disease.

New Corona drug discovered

The definitive drug or Corona vaccine has not yet been developed, and treatment-aid drugs are being tested.

The main cause of Coronavirus transmission was snakes

It is not possible to say exactly which animal is the main cause of the outbreak of coronavirus 2019 in humans. However, at first an article was published that introduced snakes as the main cause of coronavirus, which was later denied.

Bats are the main cause of corona transmission

You must have heard in cyberspace that the cause of Corona transmission is the consumption of bat soup and there is a lot of criticism about Asian food. Current research has shown that the new Corona genome is up to 96% equal to the Corona found in bats (horseshoe bats), but the cause of this disease can not be definitively considered a bat or other animal.

Be sure to read if you have Coronavirus stress

How useful is the fear of the Coronavirus?

The fear of the Coronavirus is so beneficial that it makes us act cautiously and follow the instructions to prevent the virus properly. Some people do not take the disease seriously and do not use prevention methods. These people will spread the disease because by not observing and infecting themselves, they will infect others as well, because they may be carriers of the disease but have no symptoms.

Coronavirus stress also affects children

With the outbreak of Coronavirus in the country and the parents talking too much about this disease, children are also suffering from the disease stress. This stress affects children and causes their self-morbidity, so the child feels helpless in the face of this problem and suffers from psychological damage and feelings of inferiority.

Stress is very damaging to a child’s brain and nervous system, disrupting the secretion of the hormones dopamine and serotonin and environmental fear.

Be sure to read if you have Coronavirus stress in childs

What can parents do to reduce their child’s stress?

To reduce children’s stress and reduce psychological damage, parents should not talk about the disease with children at home and should not consider this disease catastrophic and uncontrollable, and should only be educated in health tips and child care and reduced travel. . They can encourage children to wash their hands through play and reward them in return.

Parents should not read cyber messages about Corona out loud at home or in the presence of children. If your child has a lot of stress from this disease, keep him away from the place or do not watch such programs with him while broadcasting news and special Cronanavirus TV programs.

If your child suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder and obsessively thinks about coronavirus, you can distract and distract children by playing giant games and blowing up balloons, and prevent annoying thoughts in children.

Follow the previous routine and play with the child and make him smile to get rid of these annoying thoughts.

Be sure to read if you have Coronavirus stress

Tips for managing stress to deal with the coronavirus

Have a positive view of events.

You should know that the new coronavirus, although it is very common, but its mortality rate is two percent, and not all people with this virus will die, but many of them will recover, so do not worry and have a positive outlook. The lethality of this virus is much lower than the lethality of SARS 10%, the lethality of Mercy 30%, and if we follow the health tips, this virus will not be transmitted to you.

Look for the truth.

Get reports and news related to this Coronavirus such as prevalence, mortality and preventive measures from reputable sites such as the site of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education and do not pay attention to cyberspace rumors.

Control your anxious emotions

Emotions are controlled by knowing and being aware of them. Find out the skills that have helped you in life in the past and use them to control your emotions during this critical period of the outbreak.

Choose a healthy lifestyle

Live a healthy life, pursue your physical health, get enough sleep and physical activity, and eat a nutritious meal regularly. Also, avoid smoking, alcohol, and other drugs to cope with your emotions.


It is normal to feel upset and anxious, confused, scared and angry during a crisis. Loneliness increases your stress, so keep in touch with friends who boost your self-esteem, but follow the principles of prevention. You can communicate with other family members and friends via phone email.

Follow a normal routine of life

You may say that your hands and heart are not working in the current situation, but in order to reduce stress and shift your mind to other things, follow a normal routine of life and manage the feeling of insecurity.

Communicate with your children

Reduce anxiety and stress Communicate with your children and play with them to relieve both stress and yourself. Focus on your children’s daily activities and programs, and do not talk too much about the disease and honestly explain the age-appropriate prevention strategies to your children.

Yoga and meditation are helpful

Use mindfulness, peace of mind, yoga and meditation exercises to achieve complete relaxation.

Be sure to read if you have Coronavirus stress yoga

Go for a walk

Take precautionary measures, go for a walk in secluded areas away from the crowds and enjoy the walk.

Do not follow the news too much

The meaning of most news is the news published on social networks, we have repeatedly said in various sections of wet health that you should trust only the news confirmed and published by the Radio and Television. Follow the news from reputable sources and do not spend too much time on social networks so as not to disturb you.

Ask for advice

If you are overly anxious and stressed and this worry has negatively affected your job performance or interpersonal relationships, consult a psychologist and counselor to help you with mental health.


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